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Oliver Ringrose
May 4, 20249 min read
Nature Deficit Disorder, has it gone to the Dogs?
"Since 2005, the number of studies of the impact of nature experience on human developed has grown from a handful to nearly one thousand....
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Oliver Ringrose
Jun 3, 20226 min read
New Video Trailer Tells Dog Owners: You Have Not Been Told the Truth About Your Dog.
Local dog trainer and certified Family Dog Mediator Oliver Ringrose of Dog Smart Training & Behaviour based in Sevenoaks Kent is urging...
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Oliver Ringrose
Apr 3, 20223 min read
Trigger Stacking. Do you feel it?
Trigger / stress stacking or as my mum would say "the straw that breaks the camels back" is something that is referenced and awful lot in...
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Oliver Ringrose
Feb 24, 20212 min read
Beyond operant conditioning
We wanted to share a really important conversation between neuroscientist and veterinarian Dr. Kathy Murphy, animal behaviourist Andrew...
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Oliver Ringrose
Feb 1, 20215 min read
What the Vizsla taught me
What the Vizsla taught me I’m pretty young in the world of Vizslas, my oldest is approaching 13yrs old my youngest is just over 2 now and...
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Oliver Ringrose
May 16, 20206 min read
Citizen Science, it's all about everyone getting involved!
The field of animal science have been evolving over the last few years. With the help of cloud technology and the many ways we humans can...
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Oliver Ringrose
Apr 10, 20193 min read
Chuck it, the blog about balls!
Many people that know me also know that I really have an issue with some of today's modern dog training tools. The ball launchers are way...
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Oliver Ringrose
Aug 2, 20185 min read
Seeking system – What is it, why should you care, what’s important
I’m actually a little bit excited about this one, this is an amazing and cool subject and best of all, it applies heavily to us and is...
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Oliver Ringrose
Aug 2, 20185 min read
What Is reinforcement?
Welcome to Dog Smart's first Blog post, I wanted to get something out to you as a thank you for all your amazing support. I’m not going...
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